Sightings - November 2021
28 November
A Black-tailed Native-hen was seen at Lake Eda (CJH).
27 November
A male Orange Chat continues to be seen at Taylor’s Lagoon.
26 November
Loose passage of Fork-tailed Swifts was observed over Roebuck Estate this morning (BG). Several large seabird feeding flocks featuring a handful of Wilson’s Storm-Petrel, 20+ Brown Noddy, 300+ Brown Booby, 500+ Common Tern and 1,000+ Roseate Tern were observed at sea off the lower Dampier Peninsula.
25 November
The Arafura Fantail at Nimalarragun was heard calling briefly this morning (AB).
21 November
A Gallinago snipe (first of the season) and continuing Orange Chat were at Taylor’s Lagoon this morning, while a Grey Wagtail continues to be seen at Lake Eda (CJH).
20 November
Two Bridled Terns were seen off Quarry Beach in northern Roebuck Bay (CJH). An Arafura Fantail continues to be present at Nimalarragun, keeping to cover, calling irregularly and proving difficult to spot (BG).
19 November
An Arafura Fantail continues at the Nimalarragun wetland, while an Eastern Koel is still calling on Lullfitz Drive in Broome (AB). A Nankeen Night-Heron was seen in a garden in Roebuck Estate (BG).
18 November
A Grey Wagtail continues to be seen at Lake Eda (AB).
17 November
An Oriental Cuckoo was seen being chased by a Torresian Crow over Guy Street in Broome this evening (DB), while another was around the BBO grounds in the morning. A brilliant trip to Lake Eda in the late morning saw a Grey Wagtail (first of the year), Little Ringed Plover, Australian Bustard, Peregrine Falcon, Oriental Plover, Wood Sandpiper, Black-breasted Buzzard, 10 Long-toed Stints, Peregrine Falcon and over 1,000 Little Curlew. For the first time this season, we saw large flocks of Oriental Pratincole (1,500+) kettling over the lake. These birds are returning to Broome in numbers as the wet season builds up.
16 November
At least 300 Oriental Pratincoles were seen at Lake Eda, along with a female/immature Orange Chat (GS), a remarkable find following the appearance of a male at Taylor’s Lagoon five days ago.
15 November
The Arafura Fantail was seen again at Nimalarragun this morning (AB).
14 November
A male Orange Chat continues at Taylor’s Lagoon (FOC). Large numbers of Fork-tailed Swifts were seen at Entrance Point this morning (KH). Broome’s first ARAFURA FANTAIL was found later in the morning at Nimalarragun (CJH), followed up and photographed in the evening - an amazing record and the first anywhere on the Dampier Peninsula.
13 November
A continuing male Orange Chat and Chestnut-breasted Mannikin were seen at Taylor’s Lagoon (CGM). At least 100 Fork-tailed Swifts were seen over Broome in the morning (DB).
12 November
A single Orange Chat continues at Taylor’s Lagoon (AB, LB and NJ). A Siberian Peregrine Falcon was seen again on the telecommunications tower at the entrance to Lake Campion (NJ). An Oriental Cuckoo was seen along Crab Creek Road near the entrance to Tattler Rocks.
11 November
Lake Eda continues to produce with a Little Ringed Plover still there and a Little Stint in breeding plumage found this afternoon; also present were two Eastern Yellow Wagtails, at least two Yellow Chats, a Long-toed Stint, an Oriental Plover, and several hundred each of Little Curlew, Brolga and Australian Pratincole. We followed this up at Taylor’s Lagoon with a bright male ORANGE CHAT (first in Broome since 2006), along with another Yellow Chat and Long-toed Stint.
10 November
A continuing Plumed Egret was at the Broome sewage works along with two Barn Swallows, a White-winged Black Tern, a Whimbrel and 2,000+ Plumed Whistling-Ducks.
9 November
Two Common Redshanks and an Asian Dowitcher were among the throng of shorebirds feeding at the mouth of Little Crab Creek as the tide dropped this afternoon.
7 November
Superb birding on Roebuck Plains Station during today’s Lakes Tour. Highlights at Taylor’s Lagoon included an Arctic Peregrine Falcon (ssp. calidus/japonensis), Chestnut-breasted Mannikin, at least two Yellow Chats, Eastern Yellow Wagtail, Swamp Harrier (rare in Broome at this time of year) and Black-breasted Buzzard. Lake Campion is very close to drying out but still produced three Long-toed Stints, a dozen Wood Sandpipers and a Black-breasted Buzzard. Lake Eda in the middle of the day was spectacular, holding 670 Little Curlew, 650 Brolga, 300+ Australian Pratincole, 39 Oriental Pratincole, 25 Marsh Sandpiper, a Yellow Chat and a continuing Little Ringed Plover along with lots of ducks, cormorants and pelicans. Lakes Tours can be arranged on request during November - get in touch if you are interested in booking a trip.
6 November
Yellow Chats were seen in the Jabiru Paddock of Roebuck Plains.
5 November
A Plumed Egret was at the Broome sewage works.
4 November
A Pectoral Sandpiper (first of the year) was found at Taylor’s Lagoon. A Little Ringed Plover continues at Lake Eda. A Tawny Grassbird was seen at Crescent Lake (all GS and GG). Five Glossy Ibis were seen at Ram-Paddock Well.
2 November
A good mix of shorebirds including 13 Long-toed Stint were at Crescent Lake. A Little Curlew flew over the observatory in the morning.
1 November
A Beach Stone-curlew and several Broad-billed Sandpipers were seen on the BBO Beach.
AB - Adrian Boyle, BG - Bruce Greatwich, CGM - Clare and Grant Morton, CJH - Chris Hassell, FOC - Franky O’Connor, GG - Geoff Groom, GS - George Swann (Kimberley Birdwatching), LB - Linda Bird, NJ - Nigel Jackett. All other sightings made by BBO staff and guests.